Self Hosted External Storage

In some cases, storing Sentry data on-disk is not really something people can do. Sometimes, it's better to offload it into some bucket storage (like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage).

Sentry has an abstraction called "filestore" that handles storing attachments, sourcemaps (release artifacts), and replays. Filestore configuration for Sentry should be configured on the sentry/config.yml file.

Important: sentry cleanup command won't delete files that is stored on an external storage such as GCS or S3. You will have to configure your own cleanup mechanism by utilizing your storage provider's object retention configuration. This should be set accordingly to the SENTRY_EVENTS_RETENTION_DAYS, although you can set it as a different value than what's set on the Docker Compose file.

The configuration for GCS backend is pointed to sentry.filestore.gcs.GoogleCloudStorage. You will need to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. For more information, refer to the Google Cloud documentation for setting up authentication.

On your sentry/config.yml file, you will need to set the following:

filestore.backend: "gcs"
  bucket_name: "..."

If you set up via service account key, you will need to configure your docker-compose.yml file with the following:

x-sentry-defaults: &sentry-defaults # ...
    # The rest of the environment variables
    GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "/run/secrets/service_account.json"
    # The rest of the volumes
    - "/path/to/service_account.json:/run/secrets/service_account.json:ro"

The configuration for S3-compatible backend is pointed to sentry.filestore.s3.S3Boto3Storage.

On your sentry/config.yml file, you will need to set the following:

filestore.backend: "s3"
  bucket_acl: "private"
  default_acl: "private"
  access_key: "<REDACTED>"
  secret_key: "<REDACTED>"
  bucket_name: "my-bucket"
  region_name: "auto"
  endpoint_url: "https://<REDACTED>" # If you're not using AWS.
  addressing_style: "path" # For regular AWS S3, use "auto" or "virtual". For other S3-compatible API like MinIO or Ceph, use "path".
  signature_version: "s3v4"

Refer to botocore configuration for valid configuration values.

Vroom is the service that handles profiling. By default the data for profiling is saved on the local filesystem. On self-hosted deployments, this should be done by overriding the SENTRY_BUCKET_PROFILES environment variable. It's also possible that additional environment variables should be added, depending on the backend of choice.

Important: sentry cleanup command won't delete files that is stored on an external storage such as GCS or S3. You will have to configure your own cleanup mechanism by utilizing your storage provider's object retention configuration. This should be set accordingly to the SENTRY_EVENTS_RETENTION_DAYS, although you can set it as a different value than what's set on the Docker Compose file.

You will need to set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable. For more information, refer to the Google Cloud documentation for setting up authentication.

On your docker-compose.yml file, you will need to add the following (this assumes you are setting up via service account file):

      # The rest of the environment variables
      SENTRY_BUCKET_PROFILES: "gs://my-bucket"
      GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: "/run/secrets/service_account.json"
      # The rest of the volumes
      - "/path/to/service_account.json:/run/secrets/service_account.json:ro"

On your docker-compose.yml file, you will need to add the following:

      # The rest of the environment variables
      SENTRY_BUCKET_PROFILES: "s3://my-bucket?awssdk=v1&region=us-west-1&"
      # For other S3-compatible APIs
      SENTRY_BUCKET_PROFILES: "s3://my-bucket?awssdk=v1&region=any-region&"
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY: "foobar"
      AWS_SECRET_KEY: "foobar"
      AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: "foobar" # (optional)

Further explanation on the query string options:

  • region: The AWS region for requests.
  • endpoint: The endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI).
  • disableSSL: A value of "true" disables SSL when sending requests.
  • s3ForcePathStyle: A value of "true" forces the request to use path-style addressing.
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